- Various laser treatments
- Personal treatment plan
- Consult via video chat possible
First consultation free
Questions or make an appointment for your free initial consultation?
Enter your phone number and one of our skin therapists will call you back:
At Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark we use a diode laser for hairremoval. In comparion to IPL/EPL, is the laser we use not a light device but a laser device. This provides is a more effective and more powerfull treatment. The diode laser has a cooling system that makes the treatment less painfull. The treatment is only done by registered skin therapists that have a medical AGB and BIG registration. There is a upcoming law that only skintherapists and dermatologists can do these treatments for maximum safety.

What can you expect during the first consultation?
During the first consultation we check your relevant medical history. We look for any possible contra-indications. We take a look at the skin and hairs. With consent we can decide to make a before picture for your dossier. A treatment plan is made and we provide advice and information about the treatment. In some cases the treatment costs are covered by the insurance. We advice to check your insurance policy. We need a valid indentification (driver license, ID card, passport). Before we decide to treat, we do one laser pulse to see how the skin react. We can plan a appointment for the first laser treatment.
What can you expect during the first treatment?
Before the first treatment we ask you not to remove the hairs in the previous days/weeks, so we can get a good idea of what the hairs look like. This is important so we can decide the laser settings. First we shave the hairs, this is important so we don’t burn the hairs that are outside the skin. The laser has a cooling system what makes the treatment less painful. After the treatment the skin can be red and a bit swollen. This will disappear in a couple of days. In some cases itching can occur. The hairs will grow and then fall out.
How many treatments are needed?
There are about 6 to 10 treatment needed with a interval off 4 to 6 weeks. Underlaying factors like age, hormones and area which is treated can have a effect on the treatment effects. During the consult we look at these factors to make a good personal estimation.
Rates and compensations
The rate of a laser hair removal treatment depends on the area to be lasered. The rates start from 49 euros per treatment. The rates per area can be found on our website.
Skin therapist NL has contracts with all health insurers. If you are additionally insured, you may be reimbursed for facial laser treatment by your health insurer.
The treatment will always have to be paid first. At Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark this is possible by pin or cash. The invoice that you receive may possibly be submitted by yourself to the health insurer.
Treatment results
Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is located in Amsterdam East, about a 5-minute walk from the OLVG location east.
We don’t recommend to come by car to the practise due to limited parking spots. There are a few parking spots around the practise. There are a few parking spots in the street of the practise. When these are taken, the best option is to park the car at the OLVG oost parking lot.
Note: All parking spots are paid parking
Public transportation
Huidzorg Amsterdam Oosterpark is easy to reach with public transportation by taking metro 51, 53 en 54. Get off at the stop Weesperplein, from this stop it’s a four minute walk. Take the metro exit ‘HvA’. Walk straight across the bridge, keep left. You find us at number 6, next to cafe ‘boterham’ that is located at the corner of the street.
Ofcourse you can also come by bicycle. From the city center it’s about 10 minutes by bike to the practise. See google maps for the best cycle route. There are a lot bicycle stands in front of the practise.
Making an appointment
You can always schedule a free and no-obligation intake with one of our skin and edema therapists.
The Skin and edema therapists of Skin Therapist NL are all registered in the quality register paramedics (KP). For more information or to make an appointment, you can always contact us without obligation.