
You can go to the skin therapist for treatment of scars, but the skin therapist can also inform you about the prevention of new scars (for example with acne).

Cause of scarring

Wound healing

In order to understand how a scar develops, it is important to know something about the wound healing process. A wound heals in three stages.

Stage 1: The inflammatory stage lasts one to four days from the onset of the wound. During this phase, the body cleanses the wound and the actual wound healing begins, producing scar tissue and collagenous fibers.

Phase 2: The regeneration phase lasts from the fourth to the twenty-first day. Blood vessels, collagenous fibers, lymph vessels and nerves will recover during this phase.

Stage 3: The maturation stage begins on the twenty-first day and can last a year (or longer). In this phase there is a balance between the production and breakdown of collagen fibers. The scar becomes less red, more superficial and more supple.

Scars due to disruption of wound healing

Scars form when wound healing is impaired. Such disruption can have various causes, such as infection, poor general condition or poor blood flow to the wound area. In addition, wounds are difficult to heal in some areas of the body.

Different types of scars

We distinguish four scars:

Ordinary scars

In most people, a wound heals normally. This leaves an “ordinary” scar in the form of a narrow line. This stripe can become white or darker than the normal skin color.

Atrophic scars

With atrophic scars, the skin under the scar has decreased. The scar is often very thin and retracted. These scars are common after acne.

Hypertrophic scars

Hypertrophic scars are broad, pink scars. With a hypertrophic scar, too much collagen tissue has formed. A hypertrophic scar is above the skin.

Keloïdale littekens

Keloidal scars are similar to hypertrophic scars but they grow beyond the boundaries of the wound area. Keloidal scars often arise after trauma and are more than average in black people.

Treatment of scars

The skin therapist can treat scars through scar therapy. Scar therapy includes different types of treatment. The best treatment option is discussed in the free and no-obligation intake interview.

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