
Healthy skin has good blood circulation and has enough oxygen and nutrition to heal wounds quickly. If the blood circulation in our skin decreases, wounds cannot heal (properly). Chronic open wounds develop with the risk of infection and death.

Different types of wounds

Ulcer cruris

An “Ulcer Cruris”, the medical name for an “open leg”, is a chronic wound on the lower leg. Due to a circulatory disorder, the wound heals poorly and remains open and moist or crusty. Open legs are common, especially in the elderly, and are often caused by chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) or varicose veins.


Pressure ulcers are the medical name for a “bedsores”. Prolonged pressure or friction between the skin over the bone and an external underlay (usually bed or chair) causes oxygen deficiency in the skin and the subcutaneous connective tissue of this “bedsores”. The tissue dies due to the persistent pressure. The dead skin and underlying connective tissue disappear and a wound is created. This so-called pressure ulcer (pressure ulcer) often occurs on the tailbone or on the heels.

Diabetic foot

People with diabetes often suffer from a diabetic foot. If the sensory nerves do not function properly and pain signals are no longer observed, they may blisters or wounds on the feet unnoticed. Due to the diabetes, the circulation in the feet is limited, so that the wounds do not or hardly heal.

Lymphedema and venous edema can cause or worsen open wounds.

Wound treatment

The skin therapist will apply wound care to care for the wound and allow it to heal as soon as possible.

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