Scar therapy

Scars are unsightly and often sensitive skin disorders that arise when wound healing is disrupted. A disruption can have various causes. It may have to do with an infection, poor wound circulation or a low immune system.

We distinguish different types of scars: “normal” scars, atrophic scars, hypertrophic scars, and keloidal scars.

Eerste consult

Tijdens de eerste afspraak, de intake, nemen we uw gegevens en relevante medische geschiedenis met u door. Hierbij kijken we of er misschien sprake is van (relatieve) contra-indicatie, waardoor een behandeling mogelijk geen optie is.
We kijken ook goed naar de huid en stellen aan de hand van deze huidanalyse vervolgens een individueel behandelplan op . U krijgt informatie over de behandeling en een advies mee.

Treatment options

At Huidtherapeut NL, different treatment techniques are used.

Improve mobility

Scars can lead to a reduced freedom of movement, think of scar that runs over a joint.

  • Manual scar massage
    Consists of manual scar treatment to improve blood flow and tissue relaxation.
  • Endermologie / LPG
    Is a therapy that is performed with an LPG device. The LPG device ensures that the skin and underlying tissue are treated intensively. This is done with a number of cylinders that lift and unroll the skin. This promotes blood flow, stimulates lymphatic drainage and softens fibrotic, scarring and other hardened tissue.
  • Kinesio tape
    Consists of applying kinesio tape over the scar to reduce the tensile force on the scar

Cosmetic improvement

Scars can also be cosmetically disruptive, such as an operating scar or acne scars. stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, making scars less visible.

  • Microneedling
    Is a treatment in which tiny holes are made in the skin.
  • Peelings
    Consists of a treatment that improves the depth, color and size of the scars by means of peels.
  • Laser therapy
    Consists of a treatment in which the collagen and elastin production of the scar tissue is stimulated with laser treatments, making it less visible.
  • Camouflage therapy
    Consists of determining a camouflage product and color so that the scar can be camouflaged.

Reimbursement by health insurers

For the treatment of acne scars in the face or for camouflage the scars, you may qualify for a reimbursement. This reimbursement comes from the supplementary package.

For other scars you can also apply for reimbursement. To be eligible for reimbursement, you need a referral from your doctor or specialist. If there is a chronic indication, the first 20 treatments are taken from the supplementary package. After the first 20 treatment, the reimbursement changes to the basic package under a chronic code. The deductible applies annually. In some cases, an authorization must be requested for this. Not every insurance reimburses scar therapy, inquire about this with your health insurer.

During an intake interview we look at the reimbursement, insurance and the (chronic) indication.

Acne therapy, camouflage therapy, laser hair removal and edema therapy are (partially) reimbursed by most insurance companies. Ask your skin therapist for advice if you are unsure whether a certain treatment is reimbursed.


Acne scar treatments

All acne scar treatments are performed with Lira Clinical products.

  • Skin cleansing
  • Microneedling tailored to skin type and scars
  • Skin repairing and nourishing serum
  • Day care with SPF adapted to your skin type

  • Skin cleansing
  • Exfoliate skin
  • Remove blackheads
  • Peeling (type depending on type of scars)
  • (optional) moisturizing mask
  • Day care with SPF adapted to your skin type

  • Skin cleansing
  • Microneedling tailored to skin type and scars
  • Skin repairing and nourishing serum
  • Day care with SPF adapted to your skin type

Scars and skin improvement

  • Microneedling of cheeks and forehead PROMO from €80 instead of from €100
  • Microneedling van gehele gelaat vanaf €129

Table of contents


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