Fungal Nail Laser Treatment

At Huidtherapeut NL, it is possible to treat fungal nails by means of laser therapy.

The laser generates heat under the nail and in the fungus. The fungus destroys the heat. The nail is stimulated to grow healthy again. You can feel a slight warmth and pain sensation while warming up.

Behandelingen Schimmelnagel Laseren ND Yag

Treat all nails, including those of housemates

If you suffer from a fungal nail, it is advisable to have all nails treated. This is because there may be mold that is not visible to the naked eye. In addition, it is also advisable to let your partner / housemates also start treatment when they suffer from fungal nail (s). This is to prevent you from coming into contact with the fungus again and the treatment may not be effective as a result.

How many treatments are needed?

Depending on the severity of the fungal nails, an average of 3 to 5 treatments are required. The frequency of the treatments is once every 4 weeks.

The effect of the treatments is visible after a period of several months, because the nails grow very slowly. You will then see a healthy outgrowth of the nails. It takes about 9 to 12 months for the entire toenail to grow out.

In addition to the treatments in practice, we recommend a number of instructions and care for the home. You will receive these instructions from us during the intake. It is necessary to observe the instructions for the optimal result.

Result fungal nail laser therapy

The effect of the treatments is visible after a period of several months, this is because the nails grow very slowly. You will then see a healthy outgrowth of the nails. The entire toenail takes about 9 to 12 months to grow out.

First consultation free and without obligation

The first appointment is free and without obligation. During the first appointment, the intake, we go through your details and relevant medical history with you. Here we look at whether there may be a (relative) contraindication, so that treatment may not be an option.
We also look closely at the skin and then draw up an individual treatment plan based on this skin analysis. You will receive information about the treatment and advice.

Reimbursement by health insurers

Laser treatments for fungal nails are not reimbursed. For more information you can contact your health insurance company about possible reimbursement.


Fungal nail laser

Maintenance treatments after the first course are half of the 1st and 2nd treatment.

Maintenance treatments

Maintenance treatment

If you do not notice a difference after 3 treatments, the treatments have not worked. If you wish to continue with treatment, the maintenance rate will be applied.

If you do not notice a difference after 3 treatments, the treatments have not worked. If you wish to continue with treatment, the maintenance rate will be applied.

  • 1st treatment: €99

If you do not notice a difference after 3 treatments, the treatments have not worked. If you wish to continue with treatment, the maintenance rate will be applied.

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